Check out my friend Doug Couch, a Southern writer, on his blog: 

"Observations From a Southern Outpost" 

His observations and musings on the world of the South will enlighten and entertain you.

Southern Images Studio (me!) is a cheerful sponsor of the best Celtic music web site on the Web: Celtic Radio  They broadcast a selection of the finest Celtic music in the land, and the Members forum is a fun place for craic.  Check 'em out!   Order reproductions of select original artwork of mine from this fine art web site.  Ann Cockerill and I have been friends since 1975 when I began working at her art gallery & frame shop part-time while I attended Kennesaw College (this was before it was the University of today!) She is still a dear, close friend.  The Red Cockerill Gallery is still in Austell on Cemetery Street and is still the best place in Cobb county for artwork, prints, gifts, art classes and framing. I've found some amazing, encouraging things during my study of the Bible.  Come read some of these discoveries. These fine folks run the coolest cat shelter in Marietta and they specialize in finding forever homes for unwanted kitties.  If I didn't have my quota of cats (3) I'd go get one from them today!  As it is, I lend my support by donating artwork to them every year at their annual fundraiser.  Visit their web site and please help them this year in their efforts to extend kindness to kitties.  This web site founded by my artist friend Don Maier has some terrific artwork to view.  For all you artists, there are several online groups of artists who specialize in a certain media or subject that you might enjoy sharing ideas with. 


My friend Vince and Gretta Payne are missionaries in Panama - you really ought to see what they are doing there!  Building schools, orphanages, and taking the good news about Jesus Christ to everyone they meet.  Check out their latest report, and visit their web site to find out more at: 


Panamá Mission Foundation is a California Nonprofit CorporatiVince, Gretta & Bryanna Payneon working to benefit the people of Panamá. We are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, helping the poor and uniting believers.  Collectively, PMF’s board members have many decades of experience in missions and ministry. In Panama, PMF operates under the direction of Vince Payne. At right is a photo of Vince, his wife Gretta and their daughter Bryanna.  PMF is non-denominational.  Work is concentrated in rainforest villages east of the former Canal Zone where mission opportunities abound.